It's been a long time in coming, but the PlayStation finally scored an excellent space shooter. Colony Wars delivers a sci-fi saga of epic proportions, packed with high-octane dogfights and graphics that'll make you drool.
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Borrowing heavily from sci-fi cliches, Colony Wars drops you into the cockpit of a rebel fighter struggling to overthrow--you guessed it--an evil empire. The huge lineup of missions involves taking out enormous battleship-size enemies, guarding convoys, defeating Death Star-like spaceports, and much more. But the game ensures strong replay value with its branching mission structure--a win routes you to a harder mission, while a loss dumps you into an easier one. A kick-ass selection of weapons and craft only add to the fun.

Colony Wars is the kind of high-quality game that's worth buying the day it's released. Action gamers and sci-fi fans shouldn't pass it up.
- To defeat fleet vessels, such as frigates and destroyers, conduct fast strafing runs and weave in and out the whole way. Use the look-back view to evade fire when exiting.
- In the Raiding Diomedes mission, first engage the fleet on your right as you enter the system--it flees the quickest.
- While it's important to conserve missiles for key targets, always have one armed and ready--the red lock-on cross hair provides a killer navigational aid.
- Use the plasma cannon against fleet vessels, which provide a large enough target for this hard-to-aim but potent weapon.
- Use the scatter gun as much as possible--its enormous destructive powers are invaluable.
Visuals of this caliber usually come from a special-effects studio. Colony's spectacular graphics explode across the screen with awesome weapon effects, Babylon 5-like ships and space stations, and gorgeous outer-space scenery.
Backed by fittingly melodramatic music, the sounds thump with sizzling weapons fire and explosions. However, more frequent guidance from mission control would've helped greatly.
The intuitive, responsive controls mean that you definitely don't need a pilot's license to fly these craft. Achieving mastery takes practice (especially with the tricky navigational instruments), but your efforts will be rewarded.
Fun Factor
Colony Wars easily ranks as the best space-combat game on the PlayStation. With its fine story, enormous array of missions, and intense, addictive gameplay, it'll engross you for months.
Space Colony Computer Game - Links
Space Colonization Game
Gathering Space Colony Site - (Official site. No longer active.)
Firefly Space Colony Site - The developers' site includes an overview of the game and a link to another demo download site.
Firefly Worlds - Home of the game's developers. Also includes information about the Stronghold series. We're looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us next.
Aspyr Media - Space Colony for Macintosh - Includes storyline, screenshots, demo, support, etc., for the Mac version.
Mac Downloader
Take2Games - Tech support for the PC version. Includes patch download, registration and general help.
Armchair Empire interviewed Firefly Studios' Paul Harris back in 2003. If you're curious about the game's development, check this out.
Chromeo - Home page of the Canadian retro-'lectro-pop duo we can all worship/blame for creating Space Colony's infectious theme song, 'You're So Gangsta.'
Game Reviews - Waaaay back when the game was released, a number of media gave it great reviews. Some of these, as well as a few less-than-glowing ones are linked here.
Miscellaneous Space Colony Downloads
Head for my site's Downloads page for the official demo and bonus campaign (both Windows and Macintosh versions), as well as the PC game patch and two different Space Colony video trailers.
The following sites include some of the same files, along with various other Space Colony downloads:
- PC download at (requires paid subscription)
- PC download at (includes both paid and free servers)
- PC download at
- Macintosh download at
- Macintosh download at
Space Colony Fan Sites & Mission Downloads
Here is a list of fan sites. If you know of any Space Colony sites, or if you have one and would like it listed here, please let me know. Sites with mission downloads include the disk icon .
- spacecolonyforever Yahoo Group - Discussion and campaign sharing for die-hard fans like us.
- Biodome M - French fan site by our forum friend Manuel. Includes game info, wallpapers and more.
- - Includes about 20 Space Colony maps with well-plotted campaigns.
- Lord Kor's Realm - This link leads to the Space Colony mission downloads page on a larger site, which also includes original music, game reviews, etc.
- Lord Wibble's Links - Info on all the Firefly games, including Space Colony.
- Munky Whaymes's site - Small site with a walkthrough in progress and one campaign to download.
Link to this Site
If you'd like to link to, that would be great. Let me know and I will gladly return the favor. Text links are OK, but you're also welcome to use the banner below. (Please save it and upload the image on your own server. Thanks!)
Other Fun & Useful Sites
WinZip® - If you download user-created missions, you may need an archive utility to open the .zip files. WinZip is just one of many archive utilities available. You won't need it if you're using Windows ME or XP, since these operating systems open .zip files automatically. If you have a Macintosh, you'll probably want StuffIt® or a similar program instead.
Bink Video - This utility lets you watch all the animations outside the game, should you want to do that. Download the free Bink Tools package, install it, and then run the program, which is called 'RAD Video Tools'. Use the program to browse to the animation directory (something like C:Program FilesFirefly StudiosSpace ColonyBinks, where C: is the hard drive where you have the game installed). Select the .bik file you want to play and click the button labeled 'Bink It!'
Mac Download Folder
Space Colony Pc Game
Text and site design copyright © 2004- Stellalune. Game art, screenshots, Space Colony name and logo copyright © 2003- Firefly Studios and Gathering of Developers. All rights reserved. See the main page for copyright guidelines.